Is Sugar Bad for You? Get the Chinese Medicine Perspective on Sweets for Better Digestion and Overall Health

Wondering if sugar is good or bad for you? Watch the video to find out what Traditional Chinese Medicine has to say about sugar.

You’ll also learn about the five flavors for harmonious health, a sweet recommendation (or not so sweet depending on your perspective!) for how much sugar to consume each day, and the similarities between the foods you eat and Chinese medicinal herbs. Plus, get a list of common foods and their Chinese food therapy properties.

Curious to learn more about Chinese Food Therapy?

Discover a simple way to eat that supports your overall health​, leads to better digestion, helps keep your body in balance, and gives you energy.

In my newest online course, Chinese Medicine Food Therapy for Health & Vitality, you’ll:

  • Get the big picture view on how Chinese Medicine food therapy helps your body thrive
  • Discover how Five Element Theory holds the keys for what to eat and what not to eat
  • Learn about TCM food properties such as temperature, tastes and colors, and how they influence your body. You’ll never look at ice cream or walnuts the same way again!
  • Get practical tips and recommendations for how you can make simple, small and easy changes so that you’re eating the Chinese Medicine way for better health and vitality

Get ancient wisdom on how to eat for health and vitality >>