Q&A Monday: Got a Question?

Because of the volume of emails I receive and because I’m a full-time mom, I unfortunately can’t answer everyone’s questions personally. That’s why I created Q&A Mondays, a twice-a-month (sometimes more, sometimes less) column to answer readers’ questions. This way, everyone will be able to learn and benefit from the answers.

2018 UPDATE: LOL! I found that I was even too busy to keep up with the Q&A Mondays. While I won’t write as often, I’ll check back here periodically to see what you’re interested in learning. And add it to my list of topics to write about.

BEFORE YOU ASK, here are a few things that I kindly ask you to keep in mind:

  1. Please search this website to see if there is already an article that answers your question. The search box is on the right side of the black menu bar.
  2. I do have one favour to ask before you submit a question. Please go through the free online reflexology lessons before sending in your question. I appreciate you taking the time to understand the theory behind this healing modality so that I can spend less time answering the basics, and more time addressing the core issues. Thank you.
  3. As a general rule, I do not answer questions asked on behalf of someone else. This is because it’s up to them to choose health and until they do, no advice in the world, even from those that care for them the most, will make a difference. As a full-time mom with limited time, I have to invest my energy into where I feel I can make a difference.

TO SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION, leave a comment below (where it says “Leave a Reply”). This will help me keep track of questions and also to see if there is a topic that is of interest to a lot of people.

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31 thoughts on “Q&A Monday: Got a Question?”

  1. From Angela:
    I have arthritis in my legs and cannot reach my right foot. I can do my left foot. what can I do to get results with Chinese Reflexology? where can I find the points in my hands and other place on my body? I really need this info thanks.

  2. I have muscle atrophy in my left hand. My thumb muscle has already started to waste away and the strength of my left hand has become weaker. I’ve been to hand specialists and they were not able to find the root cause although one UCSF physician believes pinched nerves in my spine as a possible cause.

    I would like to learn of pressure points I can massage to stimulate blood circulation and to clear energy blocks to my left arm and hand. Thank you.

  3. Shelli Godfrey

    Is reflexology effective if you have foot problems like a flat feet, a bunion, or a hammer toe? Is there anything to help with those?

    1. Flat feet can be helped with exercises and spending more time barefoot. If you Google for barefoot running and flat feet, you’ll find a ton of resources and advice. For a bunion and hammer toe, this style of reflexology is not that helpful. It’s rather ironic, it benefits all of your body with the exception of structural issues in the feet.

  4. Hello,

    I have been diagnosed with optic neuritis which the doctors are saying is associated with Devic’s disease. I experience decreased vision in my left eye. Years ago, I almost experienced significant trauma in my left eye at the hands of my mom, and when I was 28 I started having flashbacks about the event. I also am working a job that no longer satisfies me, have management that doesn’t like (in fact I think they are trying to fire me), and that doesn’t line up with my values or allow me to be who I am. I was wondering if your articles on vision problems is related to my situation or am I a different case?

  5. Hi Holly, I love your website & simple teachings that most people can follow – thank you.

    I’m a Midwife in Australia and I’m looking for some Reflexology moves that I could use for women going through natural labour and childbirth – Ways to help induce labour (when a pregnancy goes too long) and ways to cope/ manage the pain of labour, especially towards the end (near birth) when women can feel like that can’t cope any longer. Also is there Reflexology points to help move a baby into a better position in the birth canal? Thank you.

  6. Hello Ms. Tse,

    I have a question pertaining to gums. Over the past three to four months the gum line on my jaw has been periodically dropping. After visiting my dentist I have been referred to a Periodontalist with the statement that I’m probably going to need to get a gum graft before this gets any worse. (I take really good care of my teeth and have no major health problems so no one has any ideas on why this is happening.)

    As asked I have looked through your older post for anything related to my problem and I found a post about teeth/cavities as a result I have been massaging my toes. . . but these areas don’t hurt in a way that says “blocked qi here,” if anything they feel squishy and painless.

    In other post you have pointed out that emotions have a huge impact on our health. (Eye problems and not wanting to “see” the future.) So do you know of any emotional qi blockages related to mouth/gum heath?

    I imagine you are very busy so thank you for your time,

  7. Dear Ms. Tse,

    What is best way to remove crunchy spots from your feet? Heat? Direct pressure? Door-knob -opening-twist pressure? Crunchy spots don’t hurt; they are just crunchy.


    1. Hi Jessica,

      Regular, firm pressure over a very long period of time helps to clear crunchy spots. These are usually indicative of energy blocks and would likely be sensitive with applied pressure with a reflexology stick. However, the best way to clear the “crunchies” is to clear the energy block. To do that, you’d need to figure out where the energy is being held in the body and WHY you’re creating tension in that area. Once you release stress/tension/emotions stuck in an area, the feet tend to clear up very quickly.

  8. Hi Holly,
    I have used your methods to relieve really sore throat and it worked for me beautifully. But I have another problem that has lead me many times to depression. I am a 35yr old female. I was always a bright student in school and used to have almost photographic memory but over the course of years I have seen a decline in my ability to recall what I see, read , hear etc. I still can remember minute details from my childhood but I find it difficult to remember more recent events. Most people say oh you shouldn’t be bothered by it but I know it’s not just one or two random situations. It’s like my mind is cluttered, saturated. It can’t take any more data. If I teach my child a poem and I read it 10 times , I still won’t remember it after a day or two. I feel miserable. Was wondering if there is any solution to this problem. Thanks, Scheenu

    1. I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling sad about your abilities to recall memories. If you reread what you’ve posted, you can see that your heart already knows the answer. “It’s like my mind is cluttered, saturated.” Rather than focus on the memory loss, I would suggest letting go of the past and welcoming more joy into your life. I also have an article on memory, but I feel that the mental/emotional roots would be most beneficial to address.


  9. Hey teacher.. i want to ask if massaging on adrenal gland pint on foot can increase its secretion?plz tell…?thank u

    1. Chinese Reflexology can help address the energy imbalances that are affecting the organs. This helps the body return to balance and heal. And when the body heals itself, that is what will normalize the function of the adrenal gland.

    1. Whole body healing and addressing the emotional roots are most helpful. I have a friend who overcame her fibromyalgia through a few different protocols. She uses Chinese Reflexology to help address secondary problems related to the fibromyalgia. The thing that made the biggest difference was following her passion. Here’s a link to the article:

  10. Quick question. In your book, you refer to how connected your health is to what you think about and emotions. Is there a book that describes all of the body issues and the mind set connected to them? Ex: leg issues connect with trouble moving forward in your life.
    Great book, by the way!

  11. I was born with two eye conditions, nystagmus and coloboma (sorry if they aren’t spelled correctly, the second one is apparently quite rare, hence the reason I have never seen it written anywhere). These conditions made me partially sighted through childhood and then detached retinas took my sight almost altogether, in the left eye at 9 years old and the right eye at 12 years old. I had a stable childhood and my parents were happy and never got divorced. Yes, I was taught that money was limited but we never went without. I loved drawing and painting and that was all I wanted to do with my life. Going blind took away what I loved and I have spent the almost 40 years since drifting aimlessly and raging at the injustice of me not being able to do what I wanted with my life. I have been trawling the internet for a couple of years now, looking for answers to the reasons for my blindness, which I don’t think are answered adequately in any general article on sight issues and spirituality. I wonder if you might be able to give me some guidance on why my life turned out the way it did and perhaps tell me if you think my conditions are curable. Certainly from a medical point of view they are not but it would be nice if energy healing or something like it could help. I so miss my drawing and painting even after all this time. Liz from England

  12. Hi, Holly. I love this site. It has already been so helpful. I have two clogged ears. How can I unplug them using reflexology?

    Also, I no longer have my gall bladder. Is it still beneficial to treat a headache while pressing on that meridian?

  13. I have read your website extensively, currently joined in one of your classes (and enjoying it immensely! You are a great teacher, BTW), and have searched & searched your website for information regarding glaucoma. I have read all of your eyesight articles through more than once, and wonder if these reflex points would be practical to use to help stimulate my body to stop this progression – I’ve lost most of my eyesight in my left eye, and not sure I can ever get that back, but I want to keep what is there at least and safeguard the vision in my right eye – Since I believe that the body is amazing, I also believe that with the right steps/tools that the body can heal itself as it is designed to do. Thank you!

  14. Hopefully you are still responding to your questions. I have a sister who is dealing with a severe autoimmune disease for her one eye. They’ve diagnosed Uveitis, been treated for almost 4 years, injections, medications, etc, and no improvement, worse really. Now having cataract surgery due to steroids that were given and Drs are not giving very much positive feedback. Have you had any experience with this? I feel my sister is dealing with a log held emotion, we just don’t know how to help her.

  15. Hi Holly,

    I have suffered from Blepharitis and dry eyes for the past four years. It first manifested when I got into a very manipulative and controlling relationship in which I had to leave university and left many of my friends behind. Since the beginning of the year I have left the relationship and am not studying again. My Blepharitis is a lot better but it hasn’t cleared up completely what would you recommend?

    Thank you kindly

  16. Hi Holly!

    What is the best program I should use of yours to help me with my allergies to dogs. I would like to have a dog, but I am currently allergic. What would you recommend?

    1. Sole Fundamentals would be a great start since it covers the most fundamental points for health and variety, including several organs that are related to allergies from a Chinese Medicine perspective.

  17. Hi Holly
    I am soooo excited to come across your website, amazing. I have Arnold Chiari Malformation which produces severe headaches impacting a lot on my life. Can you direct me please to best way I can deal with this

  18. There seem to be several questions about sight issues, including my own, still waiting for answers. I’m wondering why these are not being addressed.

    1. Well, there are a few reasons. One, the interface to see blog comments is really clunky on WordPress so it takes a long time to read through and reply to comments. As I receive so many emails and comments (this blog reaches hundreds of thousands of people each year), I can’t keep up with them because I am a full-time mom. Unfortunately, the first thing to get backlogged is the blog comments because it is so slow and unwieldy to reply to them in WordPress. It might seem quick if you have two to three comments, but this blog receives a lot more–and there’s lots of spam to sort through as well.

      Over the years, I have noticed the same questions about eyesight were being asked. This comment section is not the best way for me to reply as I have to leverage my time, so many questions have been added to my list of “things to write about for future articles.”

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